Admin App for Xtream Codes panel that allows you to perform the basic functions via the mobile devices which includes:
1. Listing registered user ( Resellers or super resellers)
2. Add / Remove credits to Resellers ( users)
3. Restart Streams ( Offline, Online )
4. Set Notifications if x number of streams goes offline
5. Easy to use and based on Xtream Codes API
- You just need to add your Public IP in your Xtream Codes Panel ( General Settings -> Allowed IPs )
Important Notation: It is just a demo Application to take a look at how it works.
We don't recommend you to use it for production. As we are offering a PAID Version with hard-coding your Panel URL so, you don't need to add your IP into the whitelist again and again.
Admin App untuk Xtream Kode panel yang memungkinkan Anda untuk melakukan fungsi dasar melalui perangkat mobile yang meliputi:
1. Daftar pengguna terdaftar (Reseller atau reseller super)
2. Add / Remove kredit untuk Reseller (pengguna)
3. Restart Streaming (Offline, Online)
4. Pemberitahuan Set jika x jumlah aliran berjalan offline
5. Mudah digunakan dan berdasarkan Xtream Kode API
- Anda hanya perlu menambahkan IP Publik Anda di Panel Kode Xtream Anda (General Settings -> Diizinkan IP)
Notasi penting: Ini hanya Aplikasi demo untuk melihat cara kerjanya.
Kami tidak menyarankan Anda untuk menggunakannya untuk produksi. Seperti kita menawarkan Versi DIBAYAR dengan hard-coding URL Panel Anda sehingga, Anda tidak perlu menambahkan IP Anda ke daftar putih lagi dan lagi.
Admin App for Xtream Codes panel that allows you to perform the basic functions via the mobile devices which includes:
1. Listing registered user ( Resellers or super resellers)
2. Add / Remove credits to Resellers ( users)
3. Restart Streams ( Offline, Online )
4. Set Notifications if x number of streams goes offline
5. Easy to use and based on Xtream Codes API
- You just need to add your Public IP in your Xtream Codes Panel ( General Settings -> Allowed IPs )
Important Notation: It is just a demo Application to take a look at how it works.
We don't recommend you to use it for production. As we are offering a PAID Version with hard-coding your Panel URL so, you don't need to add your IP into the whitelist again and again.